Thursday, June 25, 2009

statistics, please be over :(

Sunday, June 21, 2009

wrongs will be righted
if we're united
let us seize the day..

(ah, newsies.)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

"how does africa taste?
is the hue of the morning sky a different shade of blue? it always sounded so cliche to say that australian skies were bluer. but they were. i may miss australian skies most of all.

when you know something, do you feel like it knows you? i wonder why knowing leads to the feeling of being known. is this a false reciprocation? is it because knowing leads to a hope of belonging? did you feel like you belonged in cameroon, by simply knowing it? not belonged in the sense of the star-shaped-block fitting through the star-shaped-hole. but, belonged .. as in je connais. you may know 'je sais' the roads .. but could you know them, as if they were people? as if cameroon were another being, one with whom you could converse? i wish i could articulate this. i feel it so clearly.

i wonder if it's the same subtle difference in living and abiding. right now, i live in God more like He's my address or current location. i don't abide in Him. you're living, in kenya right now. but, i pray for you to be allowed to live there. to dig your toes into the earth and reach your fingers to the sunlight. to drink in, and give back beauty. and, live into. i love how you said that. 'live into his joy' .. it suggests motion. a moving toward. we live into joy, not live in joy."

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Oh, what will let my heart run free
Break these chains deep inside of me
If heaven knows, lord I cannot see

Burning sun fell through a blinding mist
It broke the ground with gentle fists
Beneath the sky wide and full of grace
A ruthless trust filled this faithless place
Oh, there’s no love that deeper be
Human heart nor eye can see

Heaven knows what it’s given me

it scribbles across the sky in all directions, as if just beyond the next city block. only the
accompanying silence gives away its real distance.

Monday, June 1, 2009

not because we want to

but because we are dead
and if i know anything, Christ is the way to life